Backpacking Travel Hacks

Get Fit

Get Fit
Get Fit
Written by Pranjali Pathak

We all are different from each other. We share different likes, dislikes, natures but one thing that keeps us bonded together is a failed New Year resolution which we make, promising ourselves to work out regularly, eat healthy and avoid fats. As always we break it, promising to do it next month and the cycle of procrastination continues till next year. Is it that difficult to commit? Is there a way through which we could make it less strenuous and more enjoyable? Yes there is. Keep reading on to find some simple hacks for keeping yourself healthy this year. First we’ll discuss the advantages of having a healthy body and then start with some easy tips for getting fit without having to punish your body much.

So why do you need to be healthy this year? A healthy body brings in the stamina to do more. Remember the fun you missed doing with your family in that picnic because you were too exhausted? Or the trekking trip that you had to miss due to those fats letting your energy down? With just minor changes in your routine you can easily shape up your body and make it ready for all the fun and tough travel adventures.

Love yourself:

The first step to getting fit is to start loving yourself and your body no matter what shape it is in. When you start loving your body you’ll get the inspiration to work on it and make it better with each passing day. Self-love is the first step to stay healthy and happy.

Monitor your food:

Those fried fries and burgers are too hard to resist right? But try to balance those junk food with some healthy food. Also try to avoid as much junk and fried food as you can. Keep in mind your goal for a healthy diet and minimize your junk food intake from once a week to once in two weeks to once a month. Try replacing heavy carbohydrate food with some nutritious foods like fruits or eggs or other protein rich food.

Try to burn the fat:

If it is too difficult for you to control your diet then try to make sure that you burn the carbs which you ate. The gathering of carbs inside your body results into fat deposits and bulging of the skin. It is not always necessary to hit the gym and be hard on yourself to burn the extra kilos. With some minor changes in your daily routine you can easily burn some fats inside your body and make yourself more active and refreshed at work. Here are some simple tips to give yourself some exercise without straining your body too much.

  1. Avoid the lift always try to take the steps. Climbing up and down the stairs is one of the best and most easiest form of exercise.
  2. If your workplace is somewhere near your house, bunk your scooter/cars try walking to your workplace. If that is not possible then try to go for a morning or evening walk. Speed walking is a must. Keep up the fast pace.
  3. Avoid long sitting hours. Try to take a short walk in or around your office after every two hours of constant sitting on your chair. This will give you and your digestive system a little break.
  4. Try doing as much as household chores as possible. Yes I know it is tiring after a long day of work but a little bit of household work won’t hurt you and your body. This might also save your few bucks on house helpers.
  5. Go on trips with friends and family. Trekking trips will challenge your body and at the same time you’ll get a good chance to spend time with your friends and family.

Sleep proper:

After a long day of work, climbing stairs and walking, your body will be soo much exhausted that it you’ll fall asleep fast and will have longer deep sleep. Getting proper amount of sleep is also very important in order to be active. Lack of sleep can cause drowsiness the next day.

Drink water:

Drinking lots of water is very important in order to flush off the impurities building up inside your body. It is advised that you drink minimum 2 ltr. of water everyday. Also drinking more water will help in preventing dehydration during travelling and is also very good for the skin.

So brace yourself, follow these simple steps and make yourself fit this year !

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About the author

Pranjali Pathak

An Electrical Engineer by profession, Pranjali has a nerve for travelling, philosophy, reading, fashion and blogging. She loves travelling and making new friends.

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